Time of Departure

1 Sezon
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city.
W rolach głównych: Talat Bulut, Vahide Perçin, Tilbe Saran
Reżyser: Veli Çelik
Nieograniczony dostęp do filmów i seriali za jedyne 0


The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....

Time of Departure 1 poster
Time of Departure 1
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 2 poster
Time of Departure 2
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 3 poster
Time of Departure 3
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 4 poster
Time of Departure 4
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 5 poster
Time of Departure 5
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 6 poster
Time of Departure 6
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 7 poster
Time of Departure 7
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 8 poster
Time of Departure 8
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 9 poster
Time of Departure 9
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 10 poster
Time of Departure 10
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 11 poster
Time of Departure 11
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 12 poster
Time of Departure 12
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 13 poster
Time of Departure 13
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 14 poster
Time of Departure 14
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 15 poster
Time of Departure 15
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 16 poster
Time of Departure 16
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 17 poster
Time of Departure 17
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 18 poster
Time of Departure 18
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 19 poster
Time of Departure 19
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 20 poster
Time of Departure 20
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 21 poster
Time of Departure 21
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 22 poster
Time of Departure 22
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 23 poster
Time of Departure 23
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 24 poster
Time of Departure 24
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 25 poster
Time of Departure 25
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 26 poster
Time of Departure 26
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 27 poster
Time of Departure 27
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 28 poster
Time of Departure 28
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 29 poster
Time of Departure 29
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 30 poster
Time of Departure 30
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 31 poster
Time of Departure 31
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 32 poster
Time of Departure 32
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 33 poster
Time of Departure 33
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 34 poster
Time of Departure 34
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 35 poster
Time of Departure 35
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 36 poster
Time of Departure 36
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 37 poster
Time of Departure 37
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 38 poster
Time of Departure 38
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 39 poster
Time of Departure 39
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 40 poster
Time of Departure 40
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 41 poster
Time of Departure 41
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....
Time of Departure 42 poster
Time of Departure 42
1g 14mseries-duration-alt
The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city....

Time of Departure

The story of a mother and her children forced to migrate from the countryside to the city.
Veli Çelik
Talat Bulut, Vahide Perçin, Tilbe Saran
arabski, angielski, polski, bułgarski
angielski, albański, chorwacki, macedoński, serbski, rumuński, portugalski

69 krajów


90 mln widzów


14 tysięcy tytułów


18 języków

Często zadawane pytania

Czym jest FilmBox+?

FilmBox+ to usługa, w której możesz oglądać setki filmów i seriali online w ramach jednej subskrypcji. Możesz także oglądać kanały na żywo.

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W jakich krajach mogę korzystać z usługi FilmBox+?

„FilmBox+ jest dostępny na całym świecie. Nasza biblioteka programów telewizyjnych i filmów różni się w zależności od kraju i będzie się zmieniać od czasu do czasu, a niektóre regiony mają zlokalizowane interfejsy i treści.

Co to jest „tygodniowy bezpłatny okres próbny”?

Aby doświadczyć oferty FilmBox+, dajemy Ci tygodniowy bezpłatny okres próbny. W tym czasie możesz korzystać ze wszystkich funkcji i oglądać wszystkie treści. Możesz anulować bezpłatny okres próbny w dowolnym momencie.

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W serwisie FilmBox+ możesz oglądać nagradzane seriale, filmy, animacje, filmy dokumentalne i tysiące innych tytułów na różnych urządzeniach. Możesz oglądać, co tylko chcesz, na telefonie, tablecie lub telewizorze - kiedy tylko masz ochotę. Odkryj tysiące różnorodnych tytułów za przystępną cenę!